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Family Gaming on Sovranti

One thing that became very clear over the past 18 months is our need for board gaming in a digital platform. With the absence of gathering around the table, digital platforms like Sovranti (pronounced like “sovereignty”) became a must for our family and friends. So what is Sovranti?

Sovranti is a platform for playing a wide variety of board and card games. Players can download the app on their cell phone, tablet, laptop or desktop and play online with friends and family. What is unique about Sovranti is that the game is played in 3D environment, complete with avatars that players create as they gather around the virtual table. The game prompts players when they have a choice to make with a bar at the top of the screen which is really helpful. There’s also a voice chat feature that is built in the platform which is a nice perk.

Sovranti game menu

Since gaming in person isn’t always an option, the crew over at Sovranti asked us to share some of our favorite games in their library. So here are 4 games you can dig into with your family right now on this digital platform. Plus, you can get access to every game on Sovranti right now for 60 days (premium access) by using the coupon code “oneboardfamily” after downloading the app.

Sushi Go Party!

Sushi Go Party! is a favorite in our house. The game features loads of options that allow players to modify the game for all the players involved. Each of the 3 rounds allows players to draft cards as they are passed around the table. You collect sets of deliciously cute sushi and sides to score points at the end of each round.

Sushi Go Party setup on Sovranti

Just like the physical game, Sushi Go Party! allows players to setup the game with lots of options. There are presets available in Sovranti or you can choose your own card combinations at the table. This makes the game super replay-able.

Sushi Go Party on Sovranti

Playing Sushi Go Party! on a digital platform is a breeze. The hands of cards move around the table and no one forgets who past which cards which way. The prompts are always straight-forward and it makes the gameplay fly by. You can easily get lost in 3 or 4 games of Sushi Go Party! since there’s no downtime in between the 3 rounds. This is one that you’ll come back to over and over on Sovranti.

Cover Your A$$ets

Grandpa Beck Games makes some excellent games for families. Earlier this year a co-worker introduced me to Cover Your A$$ets, a fun card game about accumulating wealth. Each player is trying to create pairs of matching assets that to gain wealth. Unfortunately the card pairs that are at the top of your stack can be stolen by the other players at the table. You have to be slick to cover expensive cards with less valuable cards. Silver and gold cards are both wilds so keeping these on hand to defend your vulnerable assets are a solid strategy.

Cover Your A$$ets on Sovranti

Sovranti does a great job of bringing this fast paced card game into the digital world. With multiple setup options, players can choose to play a traditional game, long game or short game. There are other options that can adjust to your style of play which is really nice. Sovranti makes it very easy to know when your only option is to discard a card or when you can make make a card pair out of the top card of the discard pile. Cover Your A$$ets is absolutely a game that I could teach my parents and get them online even though we’re hundreds of miles away.

Point Salad

Since its release in 2019, Point Salad has been a hit with everyone we’ve shared the game with. Quick gameplay (10-15 minutes) and lots of ways to score points are two big reasons why this game hits the table often. The digital version of this game on Sovranti keeps the quick gameplay and lots of scoring combos that make the game great.

Point Salad on Sovranti

You can play with up to 6 players around the digital table as you grab veggies and try to score points. The game guides players and reminds them that they can flip a scoring card during their turn if needed. If you’re going to play online with kids and adults, Point Salad is a great one to jump into.

Skull King

No family gaming list is complete without sharing Skull King. One of the best trick-taking games around is also available on Sovranti! While our writer Bob has been singing the praises of this game for more than 3 years now, our family has only been playing obsessively for the past year.

Skull King on Sovranti

Setting up a game of Skull King on Sovranti is great because of all the options you can choose from. You can play a full 10 round game, play a half game, add advanced cards, play with pirate abilities and more. The only thing missing from the digital version of the game has to be the slamming of fists on the table as you chant “Yo Ho Ho” as you bid on how many tricks you plan to take. Everything else is here including the new Kraken and Whale cards that can really put a kink in a well planned hand. Skull King has been a game that our kids and even the grandparents love to play. Now I need to get everyone on Sovranti when we can’t play in person.

These are just a couple of the dozen plus games on the platform. If you want to check out their latest release, we played Isle of Cats on Sovranti back in November.

Be sure to use the coupon code “oneboardfamily” for 60 days of unlimited access today. Type in the code in the Profile screen under the main menu in the Sovranti app.

Ryan Gutowski

I'm a huge fan of strategy games and pretty much anything that involves "city building". My love of board games goes back to my childhood and passion for building relationships with others.

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