Nintendo Switch

Get Gaming On The Go This Spring

Spring can be difficult for gamers. During winter, no one blinks an eyelid at your sitting in a dark room all day. Even if you did draw your curtains, you’d only face rain and gray, after all.

But, as soon as the sun starts to shine and the evenings get lighter, gaming hibernation becomes less acceptable. People urge you to leave your haven and head out into the world. In some cases, the promise of sunshine may even pull you away from the screen/board. After all, even the most avid gamers sometimes feel the pull to leave the console and work on their gaming-life balance. It just doesn’t feel great to sit inside with blue skies and sunshine outside.

What if you don’t want to leave your games behind? Sure, spring evenings and bright days are well and good. But, why does that mean you have to leave behind the thing you love most? Here’s a little secret for you; you don’t have to at all. In fact, there are many fantastic options for taking your gaming out with you. Far from the good old Gameboy, portable gaming now rivals many large-scale consoles. What’s more, you get to sit by the pool with a cocktail in hand, and still get stuck into gaming worlds. And, to help you get this right, we’re going to look at a few of the portable options worth your time.

Board games

We couldn’t write this post without the mention of our much-loved board games. These are the ultimate in portable gaming because you can, quite literally, take them anywhere. That is weather permitting, of course. Nothing’s worse than fly away pieces. But, when the sun is shining, the board games should (and usually do) come out. Forget always worrying about your connection, you can get these spring releases and play them in the most remote locations you can imagine.

  • Grimslingers: The Northern Territory (March 2018). This baby’s already hit our shelves, but it’s worth a mention here anyway. Originally funded on Kickstarter, Grimslingers is a card duelling game which could lead to hours of fun. So, stick ‘em up and get stuck in this spring.
  • Reef (June 6th). Information about this new release from Plan B Games is limited, but it looks set to include colorful coral reefs and points galore. What more could you want on sunny days?


Nintendo Switch
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Nintendo Switch

Since its release date in March last year, Nintendo Switch has been the leading portable console on everyone’s lips. What’s so great about this one? Well, most notably, this baby transforms from home console to portable in a few easy switches. So, you can quite literally pick up your gaming and take it outside with you. Does it get better than that for portable options? Most people don’t seem to think so. Hence why Nintendo Switch reached the top spot on this list. It could be the ideal spring gaming choice for you. As if the console itself weren’t enough, some fantastic games are coming this spring, including:

  • Donkey Kong Jungle Freeze (May 4th). Because what list of Nintendo games would be complete without a mention of this classic? This new release comes complete with a Switch-unique new character, so make sure to look out for him!
  • Mario Tennis (June 2018). Another Nintendo classic is on its way this spring. Finally, Mario Tennis will be making its debut, complete with motion control. Apparently this release will be the trickiest version of this game ever, so give it a try if you think you’re brave enough.
Playstation Vita
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Playstation Vita

We’re going a bit more old school now with the PlayStation Vita, originally released way back in 2011. But, this is still the ideal portable console for some thanks to a little thing called Remote Play. As long as you have an internet connection, this feature allows you to stream PS4 games onto your Vita. If your connection is strong enough, you could play your favorites from your garden. And, of course, the Vita has some fantastic games of its own. Some spring releases worth looking out for include:

  • Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly (April 27th). As though you need more reason than a title like that, this fantasy/mystery game looks like the ideal choice for lovers of tales with a twist and strong characters. If you fancy getting stuck inside a topsy-turvy Japanese creation this Spring, don’t hesitate to snag a copy.
  • The Lost Child (June 19th). If you love your plot-heavy games, this one’s for you. As well as giving you the chance to play detective, this release will thrust you into a world far removed from your own. And, aren’t these warmer months all about escapism?
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Of course, it isn’t all about the consoles. We now have access to handheld gaming at all times thanks to our phones. And, if you’re in the Apple camp, there are plenty of options to make the most of this spring. Why not delve into gaming on your commute with nothing more weighty than your phone? Wireless headsets such as the SteelSeries Arctis 7 are even smartphone compatible, allowing you to keep the noise down. Take your time to learn more about headsets like these from sites such as Headphones Addict if noise is stopping you giving this a go. Then, take time finding out about the best new releases, including:

  • The Pillars of the Earth (April 4th). Daedalic Entertainment have gone all literary, with a game based on the Ken Follett novel of the same name. Here, you can delve into a historical fiction, without having to actually take that book to the beach with you.
  • Westworld (30th April). This HBO inspired game allows you to get stuck in making a wild-west theme park. Theme parks = spring/summer. Are we right?
  • Dungeon Hunter Champions (31st May). This action based RPG is free to play, though there are optional purchases within the game. If you fancy fighting off the hordes this spring, this is the game for you.


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