Most or Least review

Most or Least Review

Most or Least review

How well do you know your friends and family? No matter how well you know these people around the table, Most or Least will challenge this knowledge in some funny ways. Most or Least is a family-friendly party game that has gone well with our family and friends.

Each player is given 5 identical cards with the numbers 1 through 3, one card with “Most” and one with “Least”. These cards will be used to answer the questions in each of the 25 rounds of the game. In a round, a player will pull a card from a deck of 285 cards and read it out loud. The cards ask questions that will be answered by one of the five cards that each player has. Here are a couple sample questions that you’ll see throughout the game:

Most or Least questions

Get to Know Your Neighbor

The active player reads the questions then submits a card face down in front of them. Everyone else at the table submits their card based on what they believe the active player answered. Would that person really want to take care of monkeys at the zoo? Once everyone submits a card, players flip them over to see who receives points.

In Most or Least, scoring points will go to the people who think they know the active player the best. It also penalizes the active player for answering questions that seem out of character. If no one chooses the same card as the active player, then no one receives points. This means that the player answered in a way that seemed out of character to the way the people around the table see them. If more than 50% of the players play the same card as the active player, they all receive a point for that round. A player can gain an additional point if they are the only person who answers the same as the active player.

Most or Least player cards

I like this scoring because it guards against players who are just trying to answer in the most ridiculous way and throw everyone off. There’s nothing to gain by answering a question in this way. This has been a real issue with games like Apples to Apples. You inevitably have a player who intentionally picks the stupidest answer at the table “just because”.

In Most or Least, knowing the active player is a good thing so playing with family may wind up being a high scoring game. I would even say that Most or Least can make a solid ice breaker game as strangers get to know one another.

What Works and What Doesn’t

Most or Least falls into that casual party game space like The Game of Things, Apples to Apples, SuperFight and more. The game supports up to 8 players and I wouldn’t play this game with fewer than 5 at the table. This is a solid party game for players looking for a light, silly experience. It’s not revolutionary because it doesn’t have to be. The people at the table make Most or Least an experience that will be either positive or negative.

Most or Least score pad

I really liked that some questions relied on choosing one of three options while other questions where just asking the active player “You’d most or least likely (blank)”. This 50/50 question can act as a catch up mechanic for players that aren’t doing well score wise.

The questions in this game create some hilarious situations but can also be a mixed bag. We found plenty of cards that where poorly written, probably because they crafted the question around the phrases “most” or “least”. You understand what the card is asking but some cards could send an English major into a fit of rage. In some cases our 11 year old didn’t have context for some of the pop culture or history questions that an older person would understand. In these cases, we just allowed her to grab another card. For the 10 to 12 cards that had a more adult theme, we took those cards out when playing with family.

Our first time playing Most or Least was during a visit with my side of the family. The game was hilarious as we answered questions and laughed at our ridiculous choices. This is a game that’s going to see plenty of play during holidays and birthdays for our family. My parents had so much fun with Most or Least that they ordered it for their retirement community game nights. If you’re looking for a silly and casual party game that will bring some laughter to your table, Most or Least is worth checking out.

You can purchase Most or Least on Amazon today.

Fun Bro Games provided a retail copy of Most or Least for review. This in no way influenced our opinion of this game.


  • Everyone is engaged in each question
  • Plays up to 8 players
  • Can be played just about anywhere
  • Wide variety of questions


  • Some questions are poorly written
  • Probably too casual of a game for “gamers”
  • Artwork/illustrations are extremely basic

Ryan Gutowski

I'm a huge fan of strategy games and pretty much anything that involves "city building". My love of board games goes back to my childhood and passion for building relationships with others.

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