Odd creatures are lurking in the woods. Your job is to collect these creatures and out score your opponents in this cutthroat card game from Twisted Branch Games. Let’s get to know these odd little creatures that make up this game.
An Odd Collection
Players are creating a tableau of cards from the carious woodland creatures they find during the game. Each round of Oddities is marked by a Season card which dictates which creatures they can collect in that round. Simple oddities are common and are the most common card that you’ll come across. Rare oddities have unique magical abilities that will help strengthen your collection.

At the start of your turn, draw the top card off the deck, adding a new card to your hand. Then, play a single action on your turn. You can “search” by drawing another card, “strengthen” by playing a card into your collection, “sabotage” lets you play a misfit oddity into another players collection, or you can “strike” which lets you play a quirk card.
A players collection sits in front of them, scoring a single point for each oddity. Specific oddities give additional points and misfits will add a wrinkle to your collection. The sabotage action adds some “take that” to the game. Ultimately, players are racing to be the first one to have six points in their collection.

Watch Out for the Misfits
Oddities gameplay is a quick teach and easy to understand. Each card has an icon designation that makes it easy to recognize the card type. There are four different seasons in the game that get drawn at the start of the round. During the Winter season, only oddities with the Winter icon, or the “any season icon” can be played. Keeping a variety of oddities in your hand gives you the flexibility to play into your collection across the various rounds.
Misfit cards can be played in any season and will target another player at the table. These cards are mostly inconvenient but can be removed through various rare oddity abilities or quirk effects.

Quirk cards are effects that immediately take place when they are played. Some of these cards can be down right mean when they wreak havoc on your collection. Some quirk cards can also protect your collection from your opponents.
Final Thoughts
Oddities is a solid card game for families who are looking for a game that everyone can play. The cards are pretty straight-forward and the game supports up to eight players. Erin and I both enjoyed the game at two players, but noticed some balance issues. The team at Twisted Branch Games is addressing this by modifying the deck at that player count.

I really enjoy the whimsical look of the creatures in Oddities. The game is cute and even my daughters remarked on the art throughout the game. We had the most fun with Oddities at three to five players (we didn’t play at the highest count). Since misfit and quirk cards can target your opponents, it was nice having a couple options when choosing who to target.
If you’re looking for a fun easy to teach card game with charming artwork, Oddities is a game you should definitely check out.
Oddities is being funded through Kickstarter by Twisted Branch Games. Check out the campaign that launches on February 2, 2025.
A prototype of the game was provided for this coverage. Components and rules covered in this preview are not finalized. Read more about our preview policies at One Board Family.