One Board Podcast - S6E01

S6E01 – The One That Took 10 Months

Oh snap, we’re back! Yes, it’s been 10 months since we’ve put out any episodes of the One Board Podcast. But hey, we’re vaccinated now, so we can resume the podcast that we’ve always recorded at a distance in the first place.

Here’s a few highlights:

  • Ryan talks about how he murdered bonsai trees
  • Ric explains how a toddler prevents you from gaming, unless it’s by yourself
  • Ryan discusses how it’s becoming One Board Bearded Guy over at his house
  • We both talk about how we worked to keep our sanity and board gaming going during the pandemic

Oh yeah, we also talk about a few board games. You might enjoy checking them out.

Like what you hear? Be sure to subscribe to the show today and consider becoming a Patreon supporter at

Ric White

I teach math for a living and enjoy time with my super awesome wife, awesome kids and almost as awesome dog. I like card and board games, and I truly enjoy learning and experiencing new games whenever I can.

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