Having regular family fun nights, like a family games night, can be a great way for the whole family to relax and bond. It can break up the week nicely if you do it on say, a Wednesday, or it can round off the week if you do it on a Friday, or even a Saturday. Planning this fun time with your family will bring you all closer together.
Below, we’ll give you some pointers on planning the perfect family games night so you can have an awesome time with the people you love:
Who To Invite?
First, you want to consider who to invite. Will this be a family tradition, just you, your partner and kids, or will you invite your parents, siblings, nephews, etc? You can mix it up from time to time. Maybe you could host huge family game nights on special occasions, and have your regular family game night week on week. Sometimes, it can be nice just to do things with your partner and your kids as it makes less mess, less noise, and less stress.
Snacks And Drinks
You’re going to want some awesome snacks and drinks for games night – it’s a special occasion after all. Why not bake cookies or cakes especially for the occasion? Having snacks that are “board game friendly” are a must. Skip the Cheetos around the games. Try something new each week – but don’t forget your healthy snacks, either. It’s all about balance!
Choosing The Game
Choosing the game is one of the most important things you’ll do for this special night. You could all vote and count them up, put choices in a hat and pick them out, or simply take it in turns to pick a game every week. Try to play new games you haven’t played before to keep things exciting, as well as old favorites. Board games are fantastic, but you could even look at arcade games for sale for something a little different. Make sure that it suits everybody’s ability, though. You don’t want your small child to feel left out, or your older child to feel bored.
Turn Off Technology
This should be a night just about you and your family, so turn off your TV, turn off your phones, and forget the outside world for a while. You’ll have so much more fun and will be able to focus on the task at hand.
Don’t Expect Too Much
You might expect a perfect night together, but usually, you’ll experience a few bumps in the road along the way. Maybe your older child will accidentally kick over their mug off hot chocolate because they’re so excited, or your younger child will throw a tantrum because they don’t like the game. Try not to expect too much or you’ll end up disappointed.
Why Are Family Game Nights Important?
Family nights are important because they give you all a chance to reconnect without worrying about school, work, and other commitments. They will make you a stronger family unit both now and in the future!
[…] OK, I’ve convinced you. Having a family game night is great. Schedule it once a week; maybe even with a fun dinner like pizza or a themed night. Our friends at One Board Family have some great suggestions on how to make it special. […]