Review: New York Slice

Review: New York Slice

It’s hard to resist a good pizza and it’s even tougher to resist a good game about pizza. New York Slice from Bézier Games lets players slice their way to victory by collecting sets of pizza slices. In this video review, Ric and Ryan talk about how the game plays and discuss why this might be a great fit for your family game shelf.

You can find New York Slice at your local game shop, Barnes & Noble or order it online at Amazon.


  • Easy to teach and a great “gateway game”
  • This game has a fantastic theme that is felt throughout
  • Great for kids and adults
  • The game scales very well up to 6 players


  • The storage in the box is terrible

Ryan Gutowski

I'm a huge fan of strategy games and pretty much anything that involves "city building". My love of board games goes back to my childhood and passion for building relationships with others.

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