Will It Game?

Will it Game? Episode 63 with Josh Cappel & Daryl Chow

This week we have Josh Cappel and Daryl Chow as our guest judging duo. In this episode Ric and Ryan do their best to pitch board games around the topic of puppets. Can Ric sing his way to victory with his classic movie throwback? Will Ryan’s game pitch ruin the idea of felt puppets for children around the globe?

Josh and Daryl are the designers behind In Too Deep, a game currently being funded through Kickstarter. Ric enjoyed his time with the digital demo of the game in his preview that you can read here. You can find Josh Cappel’s work at Burnt Island Games and Kids Table Board Gaming. You can find Daryl Chow’s work at Origame.

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The track “Balkana” was created by 4bstr4ck3r. http://freemusicarchive.org/music/4bstr4ck3r/

Ryan Gutowski

I'm a huge fan of strategy games and pretty much anything that involves "city building". My love of board games goes back to my childhood and passion for building relationships with others.

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