Will It Game?

Will it Game? Episode 70 with Lizzy Funkhouser

This week the one and only Lizzy Funkhouser takes the guest judge seat for Will it Game. We’ll craft our best “history” themed board games for Lizzy to judge. Can Ric create a board game that brings in the votes? Will Ryan’s pitch give our guest judge the creeps?

Lizzy Funkhouser runs the Board Game Spotlight which can be found on Facebook, YouTube and all over social media. Check out Lizzy and Derek’s new 2-player board game series they started over the Summer.

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The track “Balkana” was created by 4bstr4ck3r. http://freemusicarchive.org/music/4bstr4ck3r/

Ryan Gutowski

I'm a huge fan of strategy games and pretty much anything that involves "city building". My love of board games goes back to my childhood and passion for building relationships with others.

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