Will It Game? Podcast

Will it Game? Episode 76 with KC Ogbuagu

In this episode of the podcast, we have Kenechukwu Ogbuagu sitting in as our guest judge. KC is the founder of Nibcard Games, a game company bringing Nigerian culture into board gaming. This week Ric and Ryan are pitching games about mythical creatures. Will Ric’s reskin of a popular game be a hit? Will Ryan pitch a game that even he struggles to pronounce?

KC has also created Nibcard Game Café which has brought members of the community around the game table since 2019. You can also find out more about his founding of the African Boardgame Convention (ABCon) at https://theabcon.com.

Plus, check out KC’s new game Campus Wahala which is on Kickstarter now through September 18, 2022. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cowriegames/campus-wahala

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The track “Balkana” was created by 4bstr4ck3r. http://freemusicarchive.org/music/4bstr4ck3r/

Ryan Gutowski

I'm a huge fan of strategy games and pretty much anything that involves "city building". My love of board games goes back to my childhood and passion for building relationships with others.

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