12 Games of Christmas

12 Games of Christmas

12 Games of Christmas

The holidays get so busy and before you know it, we’re turning the calendar to another year. This year our family is planning to carve out some time around the game table so we can slow down and enjoy the season. We’ve created a little print out that can help the family focus on making time to game together. We’re calling it the “12 Games of Christmas”.

Print out the one page PDF above and fill in the ornaments with the games that you play with your family or your spouse. In our house, we’ll be coloring in the ornaments as we game together as a family during the month of December. As a family of 5 with a busy schedule, we can use a reminder to slow down and take time enjoy some laughs and family-friendly competition.

We would love to know what games you play this season. Feel free to post them below or tag One Board Family on any of our social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter).

Ryan Gutowski

I'm a huge fan of strategy games and pretty much anything that involves "city building". My love of board games goes back to my childhood and passion for building relationships with others.

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