10 x 10 Gaming Challenge

The 10 x 10 Gaming Challenge

10 x 10 Gaming Challenge

In 2014 a challenge showed up in the forums at BoardGameGeek.com. The “10 x 10 Gaming Challenge” came about because this gamer didn’t feel very fulfilled playing her unplayed games once or twice just to check them off her list. The concept for this challenge is simple. Pick 10 games and play each one 10 times throughout the course of a calendar year.

As a family who games together, this challenge is really appealing! For us, this challenge means that we’re going to sit down as a family 100 times this year and play something together. It means that we’re going to be intentional about spending time as a family without a screen between us. Not only is this quality time, but it’s also a learning time for our kids. By playing games multiple times, we’re going to try new strategies and learn from our mistakes.

Schedules get busy and time seems to fly by. This challenge is going to help us come together and have fun as a family in 2017. With that being said, this is how our family is going to tackle the “10 x 10 Family Gaming Challenge”.

Pick Games for Everyone

Sometimes the player count works against getting all 5 of our family members to the table. When a game that only supports 4 players comes out, someone is left out. For this challenge, we’re going to pick at least 7 games that will accommodate 5 players. With the last 3 game choices, we’ll put games that are 2 to 4 players. It would be a shame not to have a game like Food Fighters or Onitama on this list because of the player count.

Not too Easy, Not too Hard

We’ll be choosing games that are the right difficulty for our family. We don’t want to put games that are super easy on this list just to check them off. The purpose of our family doing this challenge is that we spend time together and get better at playing these different games.

Keeping Track of Wins

Each family member will choose a color. Each time we complete a game on our list, we’ll color in the meeple icon with the color of the player who won the game. I’m really interested in seeing how much better each person gets as we play these games together.

10 x 10 challenge wins

We are excited about taking part in this challenge and we’d love to have you join us! Whether it’s just you and a spouse, your group of gaming friends or your whole family, you can jump into the “10 x 10 Family Gaming Challenge” with us. All you need to do is download the PDF we created and print it out. Fill it in with the games you want to play in 2017 and you’ll be ready to go.

Throughout the year, we’ll be sharing our progress on the One Board Family Facebook page. You can share your progress too by posting on the Facebook page or dropping a comment below.

Download the 10 x 10 Family Gaming Challenge PDF

Ryan Gutowski

I'm a huge fan of strategy games and pretty much anything that involves "city building". My love of board games goes back to my childhood and passion for building relationships with others.

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[…] game made it onto our 10×10 Challenge this year for 2 reasons. One, the game is quick and fun. Two, the game is really great with five players! […]

[…] you’ve decided to start playing games more often, you might choose to use a 10 x 10 list to get yourself organized and motivated.  This is where you pick 10 games that you will play 10 […]

[…] In January of 2017 our family jumped into the 10 x 10 Challenge. There were many reasons we wanted to try this, you can check out our original post to understand why. […]

[…] This includes playing at least 3 rounds of a particular game — any one you have on hand. You can also use this simple, free 10X10 Board Game Challenge tracker. […]

[…] Be sure to print out this free score sheet, and keep it posted in a family-centric location to keep everyone excited. […]

career coach online

This gaming challenge sounds like a fantastic opportunity for families to bond and have quality time together. As a parent, I can relate to the joy of sitting down with my kids and engaging in activities that don’t involve screens. It’s refreshing to see a challenge that promotes learning, strategy, and growth while having fun. I’m definitely downloading the PDF and looking forward to joining this challenge with my family!

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