Will It Game?

Will it Game? Episode 66 with Ronak Chitalia

This week we’re taking a trip to the beach for some Summer fun with our guest judge Ronak Chitalia of Chai & Games. Will Ric gross out our guest with the sights and sounds of the beach? Can Ryan pitch an Earth shaking good game for our guest?

Ronak Chitalia creates content for the Chai & Games YouTube channel on a regular basis. You can also visit the Chai & Games Board Game Cafe in Mumbai India.

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The track “Balkana” was created by 4bstr4ck3r. http://freemusicarchive.org/music/4bstr4ck3r/

Ryan Gutowski

I'm a huge fan of strategy games and pretty much anything that involves "city building". My love of board games goes back to my childhood and passion for building relationships with others.

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