Restoration Games, Making the Old New Again

Restoration Games

For all the board game nerds out there, August marks the annual Gen Con gathering in Indianapolis. Companies and developers show off their latest games and preview some of the games that are coming down the line. It’s a pretty amazing week even when you’re stuck viewing everything through the Internet.

During Gen Con this year there was an announcement at the Dice Tower podcast that flew under the radar. Restoration Games is a new company led by Rob Daviau and designer Justin Jacobson. They are setting out to restore games from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s with renewed visuals and tweaked game mechanics.

They’ll be working on attaining licenses from games that some of us will remember growing up with. It’s super exciting to me because they are already talking about bringing an updated version of Stop Thief to the table! This is seriously one of my favorite games growing up.

If you have a game that you’d like to see updated, they are taking recommendations through their website right now. We’ll keep you updated as we hear more from this exciting new game company.

Ryan Gutowski

I'm a huge fan of strategy games and pretty much anything that involves "city building". My love of board games goes back to my childhood and passion for building relationships with others.

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[…] a month ago I made a quasi-joke in a board game forum about Restoration Games making a big annoucement at GenCon about remaking the classic 80’s game Fireball Island. […]

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