Our family has played a lot of Kingdomino since picking it up earlier this year. The game has that rare appeal to pull in kids and have enough depth to keep adults engaged.
After Kingdomino took home “Game of the Year” in the Spiel des Jahres this year, Bruno Cathala and Blue Orange Games announced Queendomino. This is both an expansion to the original and also a standalone game. The game will be a step deeper than the original Kingdomino and will introduce some new elements.
Queendomino will support 2 to 4 players playing on a 5 x 5 grid or you can play 4 players using a 7 x 7 grid when combined with Kingdomino. There will also be rules for a 6 player match using both games which we are super excited about!
There will be a new color introduced in Queendomino which will represent cities in the game. These tiles bring the mechanic of income generation to fund special buildings.
Keep an eye out for Queendomino this October when it makes its debut at Essen in Germany.