Best of 2017

How’d We Do in 2017? A Year in Review

Best of 2017

We’re off to a big start in 2018 – I mean, we just got halfway through January, and we’ve already got nine posts on the site!  This new year will be great for One Board Family with more reviews, interviews, Season 2 of our podcast, and some other exciting opportunities, but we do want to take the chance to look back on 2017.  We would like to highlight some of our best content in case you’re new to the site or in case you just missed it the first time around. 

  • We started a podcast! And we just finished our first season with 10 episodes.  It’s been great to get together to share our thoughts on a variety of topics around board games.  We’ll be starting season 2 in the next few weeks, so be on the lookout for that.
  • Ryan’s article “Her Place at the Table” led to some serious discussions across various Facebook groups and even in our own comments section.  Given the crazy amount of discussions we’ve had this year about diversity and our society, this is a conversation that needs to continue beyond 2017.
  • One of the major reasons we are here is to encourage you to play games with your family or with your significant other.  Check out our lists of some great reasons why!  And if you’re looking to host a game night with those family and friends, we came up with a guide to help you out. If you were trying to game with two people or five people, we had some recommendations for you.
  • We did some really cool interviews this year with people throughout the board gaming world.  We spoke with Caezar Al-Jassar, one of the minds behind Dice Hospital, a game that made over $200,000 on Kickstarter this year.  Speaking of successful Kickstarters, we got to catch up with our friends over at Gyrating Hamsters after they had a great campaign.  Ryan also got the chance to talk with Restoration Games and to thank them tremendously (and take some of the credit) for their remake of Stop Thief.
  • Looking to play some games with some folks with whom you might not share a common language? Check out Ryan’s great article on gaming across the language barrier.
  • This story from September talks about how a workplace went from a few guys playing cards at lunch to an entire board game racing league!
  • We had some April Fools Day posts this year. Well, at least we thought they were funny.

Here were some of our favorite reviews from the past year:

Did we miss any of your favorite pieces? Let us know in the comments! We loved 2017 and look forward to an even more amazing 2018. We hope you’ll join us!

Ric White

I teach math for a living and enjoy time with my super awesome wife, awesome kids and almost as awesome dog. I like card and board games, and I truly enjoy learning and experiencing new games whenever I can.

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